To begin (how I begin every email), so sorry that it's been a couple weeks since I last wrote. We've had insanely crazy p-days each week since we lose the car soon and so we're trying to take full advantage of that. GO CRAZY!!
Okay folks here is our rundown: (also if I repeat things I've said in the past forgive me— I don't even remember anything anymore)
1) I have been on a mission for 365+ days. I come home in April. What?????? Genuinely so wild. It feels like I came out yesterday. However, it also feels like I have lived in England in an alternate universe for 500 years. There is 0 in between. Here are the top 12 things I've learned:
- Missionary work is just love. It literally is developing love for the people you meet, and it's sharing the love of Christ with anyone and everyone you meet. If you don't have love, you're wasting your time. Harsh, but true in my personal opinion
- Member work is crucial. If you aren't working with members, you're not going to get as much stuff done as you could have. When you have good relationships with members, the work will thrive, you'll have amazing friendships to last the ages, and you'll strengthen your testimony in ways that you wouldn't have been able to.
- You can choose joy. Obviously, it's okay to be sad. There are conditions that make it hard for people to feel or find joy. However, we can choose how we react to situations and experiences we have. That's taken me a really long time to get (and I still haven't applied it really—easier to preach than practice), but the people that choose how they react to things are typically a lot happier.
- The Lord knows who we are. He is aware of every single one of us and He loves us individually and perfectly.
- We can't have the sun without the rain. It makes the joyous experiences we have so much sweeter when we have hard experiences as well. As much as they suck and as much as I wish they didn't happen, my life has been all the better for them (even when it takes me a long time to look back and realize everything I learned from those experiences).
- I've been able to learn things from each and every single one of my companions that I will be forever grateful for:
Clark - We need to give our all to the Lord. Such a consecrated missionary who gave her entire heart to the work (and to her companions). Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
Patea - The most humble person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. When we're humble, we can learn from Christ and become a better person.
Shahid - Christ knows who we are, and He places us in situations that we can learn from. Every opportunity is a learning opportunity if we make it so.
Minaker - One of the most Christlike people I've ever met. When we let love for Christ and love for the people around us motivate our missionary work, we can always see miracles.
Sellick - We need to have joy in missionary work and in life. So often we get caught up in the perfectionism trap, that we can forget that we can and are supposed to have joy and fun in life.
Weyland - The Lord blesses the people that are diligent and that work hard. When we give everything and strive to improve, we are blessed.
Walker - Kindness is never overrated. When you could choose to be something, why not choose to be kind?
- As well as companions, I'm ever so thankful for all the areas I've been able to serve in:
St. Helens - The Promised Land. Sadly, I was only there for one transfer but some of the best people in the world live there. I would kill to be able to go serve there again one day. So thankful to be able to be trained in such a loving and kind environment with some of the nicest and funniest people in the world.
Oldham - Oh, Oldham. I was in Oldham for a very long time, but I still would give anything to go back and serve there some more. I truly love Oldham with all of my heart. I met so many amazing people that have touched my life for good, I learned so, so many lessons about missionary work and about life in general, and I was able to strengthen my testimony so much. Oldham has a very special place in my heart.
Barrow - Barrow has taught me the importance of love and acceptance. I know it’s something I repeat often but it's true! When we have love for people, the rest will follow :)
Lancaster - A wonderful place with some amazing people and experiences. I haven't left yet so I'll save my deeper thoughts for later :))
Crosby - I haven't even lived in Crosby, but I've worked there now since June, and it's probably one of my favorite areas. The importance of members in missionary work is so critical, and Crosby is one of the best wards I've ever seen. I LOVE CROSBY!
That's it for today. I know it might not be the fun exciting funny story email but those have been the thoughts I've been having these last few weeks.
I love you all and have a great week!!
Photographs and videos below :)
Patea - The most humble person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. When we're humble, we can learn from Christ and become a better person.
Shahid - Christ knows who we are, and He places us in situations that we can learn from. Every opportunity is a learning opportunity if we make it so.
Minaker - One of the most Christlike people I've ever met. When we let love for Christ and love for the people around us motivate our missionary work, we can always see miracles.
Sellick - We need to have joy in missionary work and in life. So often we get caught up in the perfectionism trap, that we can forget that we can and are supposed to have joy and fun in life.
Weyland - The Lord blesses the people that are diligent and that work hard. When we give everything and strive to improve, we are blessed.
Walker - Kindness is never overrated. When you could choose to be something, why not choose to be kind?
- As well as companions, I'm ever so thankful for all the areas I've been able to serve in:
St. Helens - The Promised Land. Sadly, I was only there for one transfer but some of the best people in the world live there. I would kill to be able to go serve there again one day. So thankful to be able to be trained in such a loving and kind environment with some of the nicest and funniest people in the world.
Oldham - Oh, Oldham. I was in Oldham for a very long time, but I still would give anything to go back and serve there some more. I truly love Oldham with all of my heart. I met so many amazing people that have touched my life for good, I learned so, so many lessons about missionary work and about life in general, and I was able to strengthen my testimony so much. Oldham has a very special place in my heart.
Barrow - Barrow has taught me the importance of love and acceptance. I know it’s something I repeat often but it's true! When we have love for people, the rest will follow :)
Lancaster - A wonderful place with some amazing people and experiences. I haven't left yet so I'll save my deeper thoughts for later :))
Crosby - I haven't even lived in Crosby, but I've worked there now since June, and it's probably one of my favorite areas. The importance of members in missionary work is so critical, and Crosby is one of the best wards I've ever seen. I LOVE CROSBY!
That's it for today. I know it might not be the fun exciting funny story email but those have been the thoughts I've been having these last few weeks.
I love you all and have a great week!!
Photographs and videos below :)
The picture of my dad is because he was in Germany for work and ran into a former Elder from my mission so they took a selfie and sent it to me.
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Why I Believe Devotional (click to play video) |
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Song - "Lord, I Would Follow Thee" (click to play video) |
Weekly Letter #52: October 12th, 2020
John Pursglove