I got a huge double box of cocoa puffs from members this week and it absolutely made my day. The only downside was that I got it at 2 pm and I had to carry it all day. You win some you lose some. Thank you Harrotts!!
I also got like 5 hand-me-down Scottish tartan skirts from a super old returning member who is a sweetheart so I’m just getting a lot of things this week! Go Oldham!
Hahaha a member of the bishopric called us on Saturday night and was like, Sister Pursglove, want to speak in Sacrament Meeting tomorrow on testimonies? And I said yes! Guess why I said yes? Because I gave my farewell talk on testimonies! So guess who gave their farewell talk again? Me!
A couple Sundays ago my companion and I were asked at the last minute to teach the Gospel Doctrine class. That went well and everyone was kind to us. We’re getting a lot of experience filling in for people in the ward and giving talks and lessons.
We taught the Young Men how to cook pancakes (and if you know me, you know I can't cook). American pancakes are apparently super salty but everyone liked them. British pancakes are like crepes, and are super thin and sweet.
Hahaha also this week I have found out I have had a skin infection for 6+ weeks, then I got pink eye, and I finally had a doctor’s appointment! Funny story about that:
I have been texting our mission nurse for weeks asking to get a doctor's appointment because I have had a super weird rash on my face for 6+ weeks. She has responded multiple times telling me that “we all have a bit of acne now and then and it’s nothing to be ashamed about—just put lotion on.” I finally was able to convince her that I needed to see a doctor and she made an appointment. After the doctor said it’s a skin infection I called the mission nurse to let her know and she told me, “England is hard on skin.” Hahaha. Wow.
Each week the bishop is giving us about ten names of people that he’d like us to contact and meet who no longer come out regularly/at all so we’ve been spending a lot of time in appointments with those people.
There's a guy here who is preparing to leave on a mission to France in a few months. He’s been very excited about his mission so we thought we’d help him get a taste of mission life. We took him street contacting with us one day and when we finished he asked if we do this often. We told him we do it every day. He then said he hopes they only do it in England and not in his mission. Yeah, pretty sure they do it in France, too. He then went tracting with the Elders and loved that as much as street contacting with us. I told him to be grateful that he’s going into the field prepared for the worst. Haha. More people need to say how hard a mission is because not many people mention how difficult and challenging it can be. You’re welcome, soon-to-be-Elder.
Tomorrow we have Zone Conference so I’m excited for that!
Oh, and I received a fun package in the mail from my ward at home with a stocking and treats and notes written by a bunch of members. It honestly made my day! Thank you!
Love you all! Thanks for the messages and emails and notes and letters and packages!
Sister Pursglove
P.S. I have almost zero pictures from this week. Sorry.
Weekly Letter #16: January 20, 2020
John Pursglove